Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hello World!!

It's been a long time since I had the time to scrap and do tags and such but now I am back at it.

I just had the pleasure of working with Designs by Leigh Penrod newest kit.. In the Moment. This is a wonderful full size kit. There is a ton of stuff to work with.

It took me forever to decide what I wanted to do with it! That's just my OCD kicking in and trying to do the best I could for an old friend! Here is what I finally decided on...

A simple Tag:
and a layout using pics of my husband and myself!
I am happy to be back doing what I love and have missed for so long! I look forward to working with Leigh more as well as the rest of the Heartfelt Perfections team!

Enjoy your weekend! Look for more post soon!